Too Stressed To Sleep? Tips For Restful Nights

Sleepless nights are one of the most common by-products of rising stress levels. If you’re feeling stressed out, and it’s keeping you up at night, here are some tips for a restful nights sleep. 

woman in hoodie

Exercise and daily activity

You might feel like going for a run or signing up for a virtual boxing class is the last thing you want to do if you’re exhausted, but regular exercise is one of the most effective natural remedies for better sleep. Physical activity not only tires your body out, but it also lifts your mood, reduces stress and anxiety and clears your mind. If you can muster up the energy and enthusiasm to get out of the house and go for a walk, visit the gym or do a workout at home, you’ll feel better afterwards and you should find it easier to sleep.

Being active doesn’t have to involve living at the gym. Experts recommend 150 minutes of exercise per week, which can include everything from walking the dog and doing a dance class to trampolining, cycling and swimming. Break that down into manageable chunks and it's only a quick lunchtime walk each day and a couple of gym sessions or fitness classes. Choose an activity that matches your mood and opt for exercises that will help you channel your emotions. If you’re struggling to switch off, or you’ve had a hectic day, try a yoga or Pilates session. If you’ve got nervous energy, you feel frustrated, or you’ve had a bad day at the office, go for a HIIT workout, a spin class or a kickboxing session. 

Relaxation techniques and aids

Many of us experience difficulties with sleeping because our minds are whizzing around at a hundred miles per hour and we can’t seem to just relax and slow down. If this scenario sounds familiar, try and get into the habit of taking time in the evenings to unwind and avoid triggers. Don’t check emails late at night or get into bed and start scrolling through social media feeds.

Instead, run a hot bath, read a book, listen to music and try some sleep remedies, such as pillow sprays, scented candles and aromatherapy oils. Turn your bedroom into a tranquil haven and block out light and noise. If your mind is racing, you could try meditation, put a soothing playlist on or use breathing exercises to induce calm. 


Stress affects all of us at some point in our lives, but it can be debilitating. If you’re struggling to manage stress, and it’s impacting your health, your wellbeing or the relationships you have with others, try and talk about how you feel. Often, offloading can be cathartic, and you might feel like speaking about your thoughts and feelings lifts a weight off your shoulders. Chat to people you trust and consider seeking medical advice if you have severe stress or your symptoms are getting worse.

Some people prefer to talk to a therapist or a counsellor, rather than a friend or a family member. There are also charities you can contact if you need advice, or you simply want somebody to talk to when you’re feeling very low. If you find it hard to open up, you may also benefit from using other techniques to express your emotions. Many people find it helpful to spend time doing creative activities like writing, drawing or painting, for example. 

Stress is a common cause of restless nights. If you’re struggling to sleep, hopefully, this guide will help. 


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