How To Make A Face Mask : Coronavirus Pandemic

Hey lovelies,

First and foremost, I hope every single one of you reading, and your family and friends, are safe and well.

What a lot has changed since my last blog post, who knew a few weeks ago that 2020 would bring a global pandemic the likes of which we have never seen before.

At times I have felt despair at the images I have seen on the media, and the knowledge this is likely to be echoed around the world and in my own corner of the globe. But I have also felt such a sense of community and uplifting joy at the lengths people will go to look out for each other, and care for the more vulnerable members of society.

I feel such pride in our health service, NHS I love you and will fight for you with every breath in my body! I give thanks to those that work in our emergency services. And that roles previously not considered to be of any worth have been brought to the forefront, and we acknowledge we cannot live without those supermarket heroes, delivery drivers, refuse collectors and transport workers who keep the country going. I salute and thank you all!

We must take hope that the human spirit of caring will prevail, and will we emerge from this crisis changed yet improved.

And with that said, let's get into today's post.

How to make a facemask: 


Facemasks have become impossible to obtain, and while some feel they do not offer any protection, I feel they do. I'm not going to go into the rights and wrongs here, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this subject and I respect you if your opinion is different to mine. Likewise I do not begrudge anybody trying to stem the spread of this virus and protect themselves and others.

That being said, this is not a medical grade mask, but it is lined so double layered, and an inner layer of filter fabric could be added for further protection. The mask can be washed after every use in hot soapy water to clean it. And remember, please wash your hands before removing the mask, and after handling it.

The pattern comes from, please visit their wonderful site to download the pattern (available in 3 sizes: adult, teen and little kid) and for detailed instructions on how to make the mask.

I'm just showing how I made my mask and hope it helps explain the process. I also have a video of me making the mask on my IGTV channel here , to show how quick and easy it is, even for a novice.

Download and print the pattern. Choose the main and lining fabric. I chose a fine tightly woven cotton for both the main and lining. You will also need approx. 24 inches of thin elastic.

Pin the pattern pieces onto doubled fabric and cut - you need 2 main pieces, and 2 lining pieces.

Pin the main pieces right side together, and repeat right sides together for the lining


Using 1/4 inch seam allowance sew down the long curved edge of the lining and repeat for the main pieces. Cut notches to remove the bulk as shown, careful not to snip into the stitches. Open the pieces out and press.


With right sides together, join the lining to the main piece and stitch along the top and bottom. The main piece will extend beyond the lining at the sides, do not stitch along the sides. Turn right sides out and press.


Fold the extended sides over twice to create a channel for the elastic, and stitch down the sides. Using a safety pin thread the elastic through the channels, test the size and adjust, tie or stitch the elastic together.

Hope you found this guide helpful, and many thanks once again to for uploading such a useful pattern.

For a quick video guide, please see the video I uploaded to my IGTV channel
Face Mask Tutorial Video Guide - IGTV

Stay safe and well lovelies, and if we have to stay at home, let's use that time to keep sewing! x


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